Kia Ora,
The Whanganui Community Living Trust blood services are temporarily closed. The blood service was established in December of 2022 where the community identified a need for an alternative location for blood collections, collaboratively with Medlab the Trust engaged with fulfilling a much-needed community need.
Medlab supplied all materials and the equipment, the Trust provided the location and clinical staffing to make the service possible. Although the initiative was not funded by Medlab or Te Whatu Ora it was funded by donations received by the Trust which unfortunately have come to an end.
We are currently trying to source alternative funding to bring the service back to our community. If you or any community organisation would like to help us in our funding journey, please contact the Trust Manager Tie Scown on 022 644 9375 or by email
Ngā mihi,
Tie Scown – WCLT Trust Manager